Spinal Modic Changes - Diagnostic Imaging Considerations & Clinical Significance


Successful management of bio-mechanical disorders and their Neuro-physiological manifestations requires comprehensive understanding of spinal biomechanics with the main emphasize on stability.

Blind spinal manipulation without an accurate diagnosis is a clinical misjudgment, and contraindicated in a large category of bio-mechanical disorders.

As such, gaining a better understanding of spinal Modic type changes as presented in advanced imaging procedures such as MRI studies, is invaluable.

During this presentation, an attempt has been made to differentiate Modic type classifications and corresponding grades, as it applies to inter-segmental and overall spinal stability.

In addition, bio-mechanical implications of each subcategory have been correlated to pertaining neurological presentation.

Indications and contraindications to specific treatment protocols, and correlated inter-segmental instability have also been discussed in detail.

Emphasize has been made on progressive Modic type changes, and attributed bio-mechanical factors involving a single motor unit.

Neurological manifestations corresponding to advanced imaging study findings, including non-weight bearing pseudo-reduction have been reiterated.

Congenital variants affecting normal biomechanics, and their predisposing effect, have also been pointed out.

Compensatory hypo-mobility mechanisms have been defined in selective cases as direct contraindications to rotatory / long lever spinal manipulation, implemented to the CCCPG current Clinical Practice Guidelines recommendations.

H. Sabbagh, D.C.

Implementation No: 2024/02-001-SR (SMC-DICCS)

Effective: February 11, 2024

Status: Strong Recommendation (SR)

Synopsis (No. 91): https://hsabbagh.net/presentations/

Full Presentation: https://hsabbagh.net/articles/spinal-modic-changes-diagnostic-imaging-correlation-clinical-significance/

For further inquiries please contact: aaac-clb@hsabbagh.net

Initial Presentation: May 25, 2023
RC: 196763
CEd: 1.5
Author: H. Sabbagh, D.C.
Status: Post Doctorate Studies
Online Registration is Required

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